Your source for Mountain Biking in the Triangle
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill

Event listing

Events by category: Upcoming Events Night Rides Meetings Work Days Races Other Events Calendar View

See the help section for help understanding events and information on how to list events.

This event listing is screening to only show events happening today or in the future. If you wish to see all events, including events from the past click here.

Upcoming Events. All events scheduled to begin within the next 30 days.
  • none scheduled

  • Night Rides. Night ride events. Some are club sponsored and others may be "pick up". Most club sponsored rides require signing a waiver and may have other rules. During the group night rides at the various parks, please be sure to be out of the park on time and abide by all the rules. Make sure you have an adequate light with plenty of burn time for the ride.
  • none scheduled

  • Meetings. Meetings scheduled which may include club meetings, committee meetings, or other meetings.
  • none scheduled

  • Work Days. These are scheduled trail work days. The details should be covered in each individual work day item.
  • none scheduled

  • Races. Race events which may include XC, Downhill, Road, Duathlon, or other races.
  • none scheduled

  • Other Events. All events that do not fit one of the other categories.
  • none scheduled

  • Help with listings
    Event listings are driven by the data in our forum calendar. To get an event listed on the calendar, please logon to the forum and see the help documentation. It's almost as easy as posting and allows much better and easier planning. Be sure to keep the event listing current. If there are changes, please edit the event post. Use the red * next to the event name to edit the date. You must be the original event poster to make these changes. To make sure the events are categorized correctly, please follow the following conventions. Night rides should have the text "night ride" in the calendar subject. Meetings should have the text "meeting" or "mtg" in the calendar subject. Work Days should have the text "workday" or "work day" in the calendar subject. Races should have the text "race" in the calendar subject. All other events will automatically fall into the Other Events category. If you wish to have an event listed, but can not perform these steps, please email full details of the event to [email protected].